Jessica’s Priorities


Chesterfield is the 4th largest School District in the Commonwealth, but its per-student spending is one of the lowest ($10,061/student) in the state.

  • Prioritize raising the per-student spending.

  • Collaborate with the school board when planning new schools and renovations to make sure there is room for growth. Children should not be learning in trailers.

  • Build a competitive pay structure for teachers and staff to encourage retention and security for years to come.

Jessica will:


There is a lack of transparency and community involvement in the current planning and approval processes.

  • Hold monthly community meetings within her district so that residents have opportunities to share concerns and hear about current cases in progress.

  • Lets bring back the Southside Speedway! Over 10,000 people have signed a petition in favor of saving this legacy landmark, and auto racing would be a great addition to the Genito Rd. “sports tourism” corridor.

  • Propose a campaign finance review, which would most importantly restrict BOS from receiving money from builders/developers/realtors that benefit from planning approvals made by the BOS.

Jessica will:


Traffic density continues to increase with every new development that is added to major roadways. This not only poses a safety issue, but also impacts commutes to work, school, stores, etc., costing residents time and money.

  • Support a temporary hold on planning approvals for large housing developments in already over-populated areas to allow time for infrastructure to catch up.

  • Advocate for alternative options for pedestrian accessibility, including sidewalks, trails, tunnels or bridges.

  • Prioritize expansion of the Greater Richmond Transit Company (GRTC) farther into the county, which would reduce the number of cars on the roadways.

Jessica will:


Growth is a natural progression of a prosperous community, but it must be done in a responsible and purposeful way.

  • Work with developers that are invested in our communities and willing to pay their fair share to offset costs for local services.

  • Prioritize affordable housing options so that everyone can Live, Work and Learn in Chesterfield.

  • Advocate to get the current legislation regarding proffers amended.

  • Commit to NOT take campaign donations from builders and developers because it’s a conflict of interest.

Jessica will:


Chesterfield needs to do its part to mitigate the effects of global warming and protect our natural resources.

  • Ensure that more “green spaces” are being protected or built into county development to improve air quality and reduce the regional temperature.

  • Continue to expand the solar installation initiative on all county buildings, including new and existing schools.

  • Reinstate the county recycling program by allowing the county to absorb the cost increase to residents to keep recyclable packaging out of landfills.

  • Promote the creation and approval of a climate action plan for the county going forward.

Jessica will: